View the web cache of any page or website: Google cache, Yandex and Web Archive

Sometimes you need to look at an old version of a page or the entire website. will help you! Enter the desired url in the line with the desired service and view the cache of Google, Yandex, Bing and other services.

View Cache How it's work

View cached pages 2025

Type URL with «https://» or «http://» and click on «View».

Google Cached Pages

How it's work

Yandex Cached Pages

How it's work

Bing Cached Pages

How it's work Yahoo cache (same)

Web Archive (Wayback Machine) Cached Pages

How it's work

Live Version

How it works

Paste your link into the field next to the desired service and click the «View» button. If the selected service has a cached version of your url, it will be displayed.

Yes, web cache it's so simple.

View Cache

Google Cache

Google Cached Pages

Google Cache is a time machine for most sites on the internet. Google keeps a cached version of almost all pages in its search index, keeping a backup in case the site is unavailable. These backups are useful when you need content from an old site that may have been removed.

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Yandex Cache

Yandex Cached Pages

Similar to Google, Yandex, the foremost search engine in Russia, employs its own caching mechanism.

By providing a cached link in its search results, Yandex ensures that its users can retrieve content, even if it's no longer present on the original website. Like Google's counterpart, this cache system enhances the user experience and ensures continuity of information access.

View Cache

Important! There is no direct link to Yandex Cache. On the page that opens, click as shown in the picture:

Yandex Cache

Bing Cache

Bing Cached Pages

Bing Cache, from Microsoft's prominent search engine, is a caching system to archive copies of web pages. This system is designed to enhance user experience by allowing them to access snapshots of websites even if the live page undergoes changes, becomes unavailable, or is removed from the internet.

View Cache

Important! There is no direct link to Bing Cache. On the page that opens, click as shown in the picture:

Bing Cache

Yahoo Cache

Yahoo Cached Pages

Cache in Yahoo works the same way as in Bing because they use their search engine.

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Web Archive ( Cache

Web Archive Cached Pages

Google cache: working since 2001. Web Archive: working since 1996.

Web Archive, more popularly known as the Wayback Machine, is a digital service operated by the Internet Archive. This vast digital library captures and stores snapshots of web pages from the past, serving as a historical record of the internet's evolution. Users can enter a specific URL and journey back in time to view its previous versions, providing invaluable insights into the online history of websites, cultures, and trends.

While it doesn't capture every page or every iteration, the Wayback Machine is a crucial tool for researchers, historians, and anyone curious about the digital past.

View Cache

How to add site to cache

Want's add your site to Google, Yandex, Bing, Yahoo or cache?

Just add it to Google Search Console, Yandex Webmaster and Bing Webmaster and wait.